About kitkatdunn

I'm a Certified Professional Dog Trainer. I am an Inspirational, Motivational Speaker, Bible Teacher, and Non-Fiction Writer. I am a Christian. I love my Family, my dog and my terrific Friends!

Another Dog… Almost… Not Quite… Good Thing!

I need another dog like I need another case of the swine flu! Of course one of the possible side effects of the meds I am on or perhaps the swine flu is delirium or halucinations! So what was I thinking when I looked at an email sent to me that I usually just pass along to people who might need a dog, but instead happened to take a look at one of the dogs… her name is Janice… her face reminded me of my Megan… so… in spite of how horrible I feel, I go down to the County Animal Shelter to take a look… my best friend Dee is driving! The whole time we are discussing how we can’t afford it, it’s not the right time, maybe one of our friends can take her until after the first of the year when finances MIGHT be better (fat chance!), will really work with Patrick and his dementia and Skippy and all his neurosis and Dani Joy always feeling left out because the other two are so demanding! Where would I fit another dog crate in my room? What about vaccinations, heartworm meds, spaying, etc…
Well… she is past due to be euthanized.
Well… she is only 35-40 lbs.
Well… she is chocolate lab and border collie.
Well… she is very sweet, gets along with all animals including cats and knows some obedience
Well… I got my mind back just in time and we went home without the dog.
In the meantime… YOU CAN FIND HER AT PETFINDER.COM along with many other dogs at the Shasta County Animal Shelter who need a home. Janice has been in there since July! So pray she finds a home soon!

Fire Hurts… Fire Kills…

It is with terrible sadness that yesterday, while the home was still being consumed by blazing fire, that I learned a Puppy, Starshine, had been trapped inside and died.
This little puppy just graduated from my Petco Puppy Class this past Wednesday with Pet Parent Betsy. She was so full of life, energy and smarts!
I got the call from another dog trainer friend, Barbara Darrow, who was going to work with her on Flyball and Dock Dogs and other Border Collie activities! Starshine, also called Star, was a red Border Collie. I was just getting ready to email pictures of her to Betsy, but hadn’t photoshopped them yet.
She will be greatly missed. I know Betsy lost her entire home, barely escaping with her life. Please pray for Betsy as she grieves the loss of her belongings and the loss of Star.

New Blog & New Websites

I have a new website devoted to my dog training, dog life! You can take a look at K9 Kelts Family Dog Training.
I also have a new Blog for dog training, dog life! You can find that at: K9 Kelts Family Dog Training Blog.
And… I have a New Website I just finished for Sales Direct Furniture, Sofa & Mattress Outlet in Redding, CA great place to find great bargains!

What to do with your dog?

So… you have a new Puppy, a new Dog, perhaps you found your new friend wandering the streets, picked her out at the Shelter, or rescued him from a local Rescue group… what’s next?
The best thing you can do for you, your dog, your family is take a dog training class!
But… you might say, “I have books I can read, I can watch dog trainers on TV, I can surf the net, what do I need a dog training class for?”
Well… I commend you if you have done all your research! Bravo! Your dog will love you for all the effort you are putting in to learning about your new canine friend.
Or… you might say, “I have owned dogs all my life and have never had any problems training my dogs in the past, what else is there?
Dog Training Classes offer a great opportunity for you and especially your dog or puppy to socialize and test their dog training skills in a variety of distractions. Will your dog come to you when it sees a squirrel or a cat running in his path? When you take your dog for a walk on a leash, does your dog pull, get in your way, trip you up, get distracted and yank your arm out of your socket? Is your dog friendly to strangers or other dogs? Does your dog jump on you, your friends, your family? Can you trust your dog to be gentle with children or the elderly? Does your dog bark, whine, howl? What about housetraining issues? Does your dog Trust You? Are you the “Leader of the Pack”?
These are the kinds of things besides just a simple sit, down, stay that you can learn in a book. What if your dog presents a challenge that you never imagined and no matter how many books or articles or tv shows you gather information from, you are still left with no answers?
Each and every dog, just like people (even twins) are unique and have unique personality, breed and temperament traits. There is not only ONE way to teach a dog. Experienced Dog Trainers have learned to have what is called the “Trainer’s Toolbox” a variety of ideas and training techniques that will fit your own dogs unique personality.
As a dog trainer, I can offer some ideas, training tips, and yes Dog Training Classes. Presently, I have some new classes beginning at the Petco in Redding, CA.
For Puppies that are 3 – 6 months, there are classes beginning Wednesday, October 28th @ 5:30 p.m.
For the Family dog that is 6 months and older, there are classes beginning Thursday, October 15th @ 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, October 28th @ 7:00 p.m.
For those who would love to do something a little more challenging and get an AKC Canine Good Citizenship Certificate, you can join the class that begins, Wednesday, October 15th @ 7:00 p.m.
Plus if you take a look at my website you will find more information about me, my dog training classes, free seminars and free 1/2 hour one-on-one private sessions.  K9 Kelts Family Dog Training.
I look forward to seeing you!


Pawsibilities Unleashed Logo

Pawsibilities Unleashed Logo

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

Anderson River Park (Moose Grove)

10 a.m. –  3 p.m.

Fun-filled day of doggie activities and education for dogs and the people who love them!

Come out & meet various breeds and mixed breeds showing off their stuff!

On Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 the Northern California Dog Training Club a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation is holding an event called “PAWSIBILITIES UNLEASHED” in conjunction with the American Kennel Club’s two annual events – Responsible Dog Ownership Day (held throughout the month of September) & Meet the Breeds (held in October). Last year, more than 600 dog clubs and other organizations hosted events nationwide reaching millions of dog lovers and potential pet owners through extensive media coverage.
The following is the Mission Statement of the Northern California Dog Training Club: “Our Mission is to empower dog owners to have a positive experience and relationship with their dog/s by offering professional dog training and activities, and by encouraging members to uphold the Club’s values of respect, tolerance, fairness and courtesy for all people.”
According to most statistical research the #1 reason dogs are euthanized is due to behavioral problems. The Northern California Dog Training Club recognizes the value of training and education people in basic dog training, manners and in understanding the unique characteristics of each breed.
This year’s event is bringing together the numerous dog clubs, dog sports, dog trainers and various pet vendors together to educate the community on Responsible Dog Ownership. By doing this event we hope to REDUCE the shelter/rescue population, encourage RESCUING dogs that are in shelters/rescues, offer TRAINING and REHABILITATION opportunities, and REJOICE in the various dog sporting activities that are available for all breeds, mixed breeds, large and small dogs.
At “PAWSIBILITIES UNLEASHED” we will be having various demonstrations and activities for dog lovers of all kinds including but not limited to: Agility, Flyball Racing, Obedience, Tracking demos, AKC/CGC testing, Canine Freestyle (Doggie Dancing), Schutzhund, Rally Obedience, Therapy Dogs, Guide Dogs and more.
We would like anyone to participate in several ways:

  1. Show up and Enjoy the Fun!
  2. Do a Demo (please contact me ASAP)
  3. Promote & Advertise this Event to Everyone in our Area!
  4. Have a booth (booth fee is $20) at this event offering: an ID Microchip clinic, Health clinic, Health screen testing or First Aid Seminar for dogs
  5. Sponsor this event with a donation of $100 – $500 to cover the costs of park reservation, insurance and publicity expenses.

All proceeds are tax-deductible and I have enclosed a copy of our Non-Profit status. Thank you again for the positive influence we can ALL make on the lives of many dogs in our community. If you have any further questions or need any additional information please feel free to contact me.