March Classes for: Puppies, Family Dogs and CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Prep.

Click Here for Information on my upcoming March Classes for Puppies, the Family Dog, and for preparing for the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test!
And… check out this cute little video of our last Family Dog Class Graduation:
February Graduation Fun
If you’ve had a desire to give back to others and you think you and your dog would be a good team to visit people in a hospital or nursing home or have children read a book to your dog… Now you can take the first step by signing up for my AKC Canine Good Citizen class.
Even if you don’t want to be a Therapy Dog Team, obtaining a CGC certificate can open up other new opportunities for you and your dog. CGC is also now an AKC Title. AKC has also expanded the CGC certificate to include an additional 2 advanced tests: the Community Canine (aka CGC-Advanced) and the CGC Urban.
As the we get closer to Spring, be on the lookout for additional classes to be posted.
Looking forward to seeing you and your pups soon. In the meantime, remember to dream about unleashing your dog’s pawsibilities!

Skip Needs Surgery – Please Help and Pray

Skip sitting so proud!

Skip sitting so proud!

My Italian Greyhound, Skip, is needing surgery for a large hemangioma on his back leg & a few small ones, on his chest.
Please click on the link below to learn more about our need & then you can pray that we will be able to raise the funds needed for his surgery.
Thank you so much for praying & giving.
Kathy & Skip

Metaphors Matter: What Are Your Metaphors?

This article mainly applies to horse training, however, it is equally applicable to dog training & training any animal for that matter. If you can wade through the behavioral science parts, this article really is a good explanation on how & why the following techniques work so well: clicker training, positive reinforcement training, the use is treats/rewards, back chaining & especially your own mindset.
Metaphors Matter: What Are Your Metaphors?.


There will be no agility class starting in June until I get location & schedules worked out. Things are changing & the drought is & may be a factor this summer. I will update as soon as I can. But for now Agility classes are on hold.
In the meantime, we are offering a variety of other classes. As soon as I can confirm classes locations & dates I will notify the entire “Dogdom”.