Ahhh . . . a new year. A clean slate. A chance to start over and do everything right this time.
Perhaps your new challenge comes in the form of a new dog, either a new puppy or a newly adopted rescue dog. With your new pup, perhaps it’s time to begin training. Perhaps you didn’t get a new pup, but are wanting to build on the relationship with the dog you already have
We all strive to be good pet parents, but busy schedules and competing priorities often make it hard to find time for training, exercising and bonding. But this year will be different! Consider joining one of our classes to help you become the pet parent you always wanted to be!
4 Classes Beginning THIS Week! Puppy, Tricks, Family Dog Level 1, and Family Dog Level 2.
Click on the link for more class info and details!
CGC Testing, Trick Dog Testing, Farm Dog Certificate Testing, Fast CAT, Hay Stack Hunt, Therapy Dog Evaluation and more!
I am now an AKC Judge for Farm Dog Certificate Testing and Farm Dog Certificate Testing will be offered in coordination with Shasta Dogs at the Shasta Kennel Club’s Fast CAT racing event. I will be offering Farm Dog Testing, CGC Testing and Trick Dog Testing from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. on June 1st and June 2nd. Candice Barner, another AKC CGC evaluator and Farm Dog Judge. Check out the video below on the AKC Farm Dog Certified Test:
And because we now have 2 Farm Dog Judges, we are so excited to offer this new opportunity in our area for you to get your Farm Dog Certificate Title. For this title, each dog must do the Farm Dog Test twice, under 2 different judges, so it is feasible to get your Farm Dog Certificate Title at this event!
Directions: Take I5 to Bowman Road, go 3 miles west, right on Evergreen and left on Eighmy. 1.5 miles on the left is a large gate with Tyson Ranch name on it….follow signs and balloons mark the gate.
Sandy racing in AKC Fast CAT
The main activity on this day is the AKC sport: Fast CAT racing. The Shasta Kennel Club is excited to announce they are offering two days of AKC Stand Alone Fast CAT racing event on June 1st and June 2nd 2019! Fast CAT is a new venue for the AKC in which your dog is timed on a 100 yard dash and you are scored based on your dogs’ speed! (Don’t worry, there are different height divisions). This fun new event is open to all AKC breeds as well as Canine Partners. There will be dry camping available for $12.00 per night. There is NO power, water or septic available at this site, there will be porta potties. For more event info: shastakennelclub.com
Shasta Dogs also has Straw bales ready to go for their… Haystack Hunt at this event. Haystack hunting each day will be 9:00-12:00 and 3:00-5:00. Dogs and handlers work as a team to locate rats (which are always safely held in aerated tubes) hidden in a maze of straw or hay bales. As long as your dog can fit through an 18″ wide by bale-height tall tunnel, he’s eligible!
AND are you interested in visiting patients & schools with your pet? Is your pet reliable, controllable and predictable? Are you friendly and enjoy visiting with people? Then you could make an excellent handler, therapy team and volunteer! Therapy Dogs of Redding has also been invited to provide a FREE therapy dog assessments at this SKC event on Sat 6/1. Check in at 12:30 pm with your dogs Rabies Cert for the group assessment starting at 1:00 pm. For FREE assessment information contact donnaconrad at shasta dot com or give her a call at (530) 276-9164. Join TAR in the first step to becoming a Pet Therapy Team.
Looking forward to seeing you and your pups soon. In the meantime, remember to dream about unleashing your dog’s pawsibilities!
National Train Your Dog Month is every January. This annual training month is promoted by and sponsored by APDT (Association of Professional Dog Trainers). On the website dedicated to this month are many FREE resources for dog owners and dog trainers… so check it out!
SIGN UP SOON! ONLY 8 spaces available for participants. Great class for Therapy Dogs, Service Dogs and Emotional Support Dogs as well as everyone wanting to go beyond basic obedience and get your Canine Good Citizen Titles. My dog, Skippy, has all 3 AKC CGC Program Titles: CGC, CGCA, CGCU! Click the link below for more information and registration.
CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Classes
— Read on mailchi.mp/7d58e3226e12/cgc-canine-good-citizen-classes